Ready to Write My Story.

Megan Shown
1 min readJul 11, 2021


I have just signed up for Medium, and the first prompt I am hit with is “Tell your story…” I feel vulnerable with this what I see as an intrusive call to action. But, I quickly remind myself what type of platform I am using and why it is I chose to sign up. Within the first 15 minutes I stare at the blank page that is ready for the incessant trickle of brain dump that my mind is ready to unload. I scroll through my phone, a quick dose of social gratification, and diversion from going after a dream I have been to afraid to chase. I can feel myself create the pressure; my story isn’t interesting enough, my writing is not refined, who will even want to read what I have to say? Then I remember that no one gets anywhere with procrastination and excuses. So here I am, a writer, poet, and person ready to be vulnerable and bear it all. Here goes nothing!



Megan Shown
Megan Shown

Written by Megan Shown


Living life with a compassion for others and open-mind. Excited to share my writing and see what is to come!

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